Master a language faster by speaking with AI

Transform your language learning experience through 24/7 immersion with personalized AI chat-based tools

Language Learners
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AI Tutors per language
Everything you need to become fluent faster 🚀
Learn with AI in your preferred style, without leaving your home.
1. Immerse
Speak with various AI tutors, tailored to you
Immerse yourself in the most natural way, by talking about the things you care about
2. Improve
Get instant feedback and improve your grammar
Get accurate corrections and tips for every sentence you say or write
3. Learn
Practice any topic with 5+ types of lessons
Choose from hundreds of community generated lessons, or create your own
4. Progress
Track your progress and see how you improve
Monitor your daily progress as you get more comfortable with speaking
Join thousands of learners on their way to fluency

Joanne Frieser

I just moved to Hamburg and I’m trying to get more comfortable speaking German. I love this app so much. It allows me to treat my friends as friends and not as language teachers.

Albert Ublrich

It was just jaw dropping how interesting and engaging the conversation quickly became

Japanese Learner

It feels like the absolute next level of learning. Like breaking out of the shell of the prepared exercises and actually applying the knowledge in a way my brain can retain it. The grammar review is exceptional.


It's REALLY good. Like AMAZINGLY good. I've only used it for 5 minutes and it's already amazing, i have social anxiety so i get scared talking in Dutch to other people but this is so good


I absolutely love the site. The only thing is I'm trying to subscribe now but am on the 7 day trial. I wanted to get the yearly subscription out the way. I've been looking for a site like this for forever.

Portuguese Learner

I ❤️ Langotalk, which is allowing me to speak Portuguese every day and build up my fluency. I'm also an Arabic teacher, and I'm recommending it to all my pupils once they have finished their first course.

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